Company or Lone Time.
My children laugh about how I can never be alone. I go to the shops for a loaf of bread, and make one of them come with me. I just like their company. Like talking and laughing with them, and it's good for some captured time in the car. So I'll keep them thinking what they want, if it allows me to laugh and chat.
I am a big one for sharing, so I do like company. All my footy mates probably cringe at our chats, as I talk lots, share lots. But that's me, it helps in this situation for me to talk and share and it helps to think and work things thru just by getting it out aloud. Problem shared, well you know that one.
On the other side, I also value alone time. Time to sit and rest and veg out, or time to think and reflect and ponder. Talking with Jane and Cass the other day and we got onto introverts and extroverts, what they like, what they need, interesting convo.
Both company and lone time are very important to me, and good friends understand. Good friends understand when I don't want to answer the phone, or return calls, or if I cannot have that coffee. They listen to what I say, don't push when they see me flounder or hesitate. They don't just drop in but send a text to see if ok. But they continue to follow up and reach out, and understand. They really understand, and you all know who you are.
Everyone's different. I dearly enjoy spending time with good friends and family, over a coffee or a beer (much less beer these days). Thanks so much for understanding, all my good mates, my good friends, my family, all of you are my loved ones.
Tomorrow is always another day.

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