There are no winners and losers here, no matter what happens, no matter what the outcome.
So its really not a battle, I am really not battling the disease. What I am doing it trying to live with it, to live with the diagnosis, the issues and problems, living with the disease and all that goes with it. Whatever happens, I have always coached to play the game out right till the last whistle, finish with your head held high. I will continue to do that.
Been a great couple of weeks. Lots of footy, lots of catching up with good friends, lots of time with family.
I missed the ice-hockey last week that I really wanted to go along to with Jane. Ethan took my place, they had a great time. I saw a few days of Ethan playing footy, the State Carnival, a few club games. He had a ripper today against East Sydney at Acron, 4 goals and a great game. I also got to watch the Swans game at the Alexandria Hotel on Saturday night with good mates Mic and Fincha, and got to chat with good friend Davo again who was hosting the night. Great catching up with all you guys as always, love you brothers.

Now that I am off the phenergan I'm awake for each infusion. One thing that it was masking was the nausea, which hangs around for a good couple of days. My white cells continue to go down, so I have scratches and cuts and broken skin on various parts of my body that really don't heal so well, so its an everyday battle with more creams and band-aids and putting up with the discomfort. I also feel pretty awful some days, and find it hard to shake that, to bounce back from that sometimes physically, I put that down to the low count as well. The continuous fatigue sometimes catches up with me, but I think I am getting better at resting when I need to catching up on a bit and so being up for the times I want to be up for. My pharmacist Mark hears about my new problem every week, hes doing well so far. My feet and hands continue to be troublesome with the neuropathy, just got to suck it up and keep going with that.Thanks to my designated drivers for the last couple of weeks, Lyss as always, and JG.
Still looking forward to returning to work for 1 day a week starting June 26. I also have my next scan coming up soon to see how we are going. I do have a few extra aches and pains, but hoping they are nothing, or nothing bad that is. But I have worked out from previous experiences, I can't read these things, I just have to wait and see. Last scan was great, so no reason to think the next scan is also going to be great. Well, not too many reasons really, except the extra pains down around the liver and lung area, but I am sure they are nothing (did I say that already?).
So big day in at the SAN Hospital tomorrow, big day in infusion. Should be fun, always enjoy catching up with a great bunch of nurses, and Lyssa is my designated driver again. Put your hat on Lyss, rev the engine, away we go.
Tomorrow is always another day.
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