Wednesday, 21 October 2015

I feel good, dadadadada... like i knew that i would, dadadadada

So good... so good.....

Thanks James Brown.

So this week is a little unexpected. After meeting with the oncologist on Monday morning we decided to try and get the body and mind in a bit better shape. His view as to how we have been going is that my body needs a break, reached a bit of a limit with the toxic weed killer, with how I have been feeling in the last couple of months its hard to argue with that. So we are off the Irinotecan, one third of the chemo protocol, and clearly the most toxic in the current protocol. I feel significantly better than what I normally would at this time of the week. That's good right? Right?

Of course it is good, but I am wondering that if I feel good, well whats happening on the inside. Are the less toxic drugs keeping the cancer at bay, is it holding it up? Well we wont know for another 8 weeks when we have the next scan, so I have to take a breath, and enjoy the better feeling. Its not all great, I do feel significantly weller, but I am still pooring weed killer in every Monday  so its not like it used to be for sure.

I often talk about this as a mind game, I am dealing with the physical issues of the disease and the treatment, but it always seems more challenging working through those constant thoughts of doubt and what if's. Pretty exhausting emotionally sometimes I guess. But we push on, we enjoy life as we can. We create some happiness and enjoyment out of what is a pretty abnormal situation for us all. Love the effort that family and friends all do to take part in that.

Got out for a kick with E yesterday, and apart from him continually telling me that my left foot kicks were better than my right, and the left foot was not so flash, it was good to at least get the feeling of the leather on boot, sharing a few kicks with the boy, felt good, altho was pretty stuffed after it, but worth the push.

Found a nice family photo from a dinner last year, happy days.

Great to catch up with old workmate Mike for a coffee, and with John for lunch. How good are those lunches at the cafe at Microsoft, sensational. Good to see you guys. Also like to bring up some great old friends that are on the other side of the world, but continue to be in my thoughts, Gail and Doug. Gail, your updates, cards, letters, postcards are fantastic. So good of you to reach out and I love the notes and updates and wishes you continue to send. Thanks so much guys.
Life is good, so good, thanks James Brown, and thanks all family and friends. Today is good, tomorrow I am sure will be even better, as tomorrow is always another day.


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