You'll be fine.
You will beat this.
Don't worry about it.
It will be ok, I just know it
When will you be all better?
Keep your chin up.
Don't give up.
Pray for a miracle.
All you need to do is to think positive.
Let me tell you about the new eye of newt remedy, my aunties, cousins, brothers swear by it.
You are only given what you can handle.
These are just some of the things that come my way, and I deal with them, but with some thought you may see that they are probably not really great things to cover off with me. Because you know what. I have stage IV cancer, even after surgery and taking out the original bowel tumor, I have tumors in 3 different organs, my liver is more cancer than liver.
So I wont be fine, I wont beat this, best I can do is manage it for as long as possible. I do worry, that's natural. I wont be ok, remission is not a word I can consider. I wont be ALL better, never, ever, ever. My chin points in one direction, if I kept pointing it up I would get a neck ache.You know me, do you think I will ever give up, ever, really (insert foto of my gorgeous wife and 3 terrific kids here)? Miracles, don't get me started. I think positive, negative, sometimes even neutral, let me do that, resilience is the plan, not total and unquestionable positiveness. Complementary and alternate therapies, well I will defer on this to previous blogs on the topic.
Lastly, platitudes, "You are only given what you can handle." I can handle 100 Auskickers out there on a Sunday morning, I can handle groups of high falutin sales guys, but this? Now, lets see how you can handle a baseball bat around your scone, I'm sure you'll be fine, dont worry about it, keep your chin up, dont give up, just think positive, as I swing.....
Say what you want, don't concern yourself with me about what works and what doesn't as I am ok with it. I will tell you about what I feel about what you say, hopefully tactfully and considered. If you have said any of these things to me or to a cancer sufferer previously, just stop and consider it for a sec, tactfully and considered. Does what I say make sense? If yes, then great, if not, well then keep on doing what you think is right. If my raising these type of things with you makes you consider, then I'm happy with that.
My work is done here, as tomorrow is always another day.
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