Well for some reason, I've got a bit of the taste back. Having my morning coffee each morning, and then maybe another 1 each day.
Is that a big deal? Well I don't know. I tend now to think deeply about stuff, or another way of putting it is that I read into things. Every twinge, is that more cancer, and every positive change, is that my body changing for the better? Am I taking those 2 steps forward and not having to take the few steps back? Is my rekindled taste for coffee a sign that I am starting to feel my old self again (no pun about feeling my old self intended Chop). Is it a small return to normality?
This is such a head game, like lots of sports, so much of this journey is played out above the shoulders. Can you believe it, I've snuck in another sport analogy!
Back to enjoying my morning coffee, because tomorrow is always another day.
Yep absolutely normal mate in every way. I still enjoy my morning coffee! I still hate it if I get a bad one as well!